SDP Presidential Candidate Scheduled For Discuss At Nigeria Institute Of International Affairs

In a document made available to ViralpostHQ  by his Media handlers, avails that the Ondo-born legal luminary cum entrepreneur turned politician will be speaking on The World of Nigeria and Nigeria in the World: Foreign policy as Adjunct of Domestic priorities.

The Presidential Candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Prince Adewole Adebayo has been scheduled for discuss will be  at the Nigeria Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) next week.

Prince Adewole who is not only known for his oratory prowess, but also known for commitment and doggedness national rebirth towards nipping corruption in the bud and other institutional failure in the country is believe  would explore yet  another opportunity as presented by the  platform to engage Nigerians and the world on the subject matter and other related  issues along other Presidential Candidates in the 2023 general elections.

The Nigeria Institute of International Affairs aim is to provide a nursery of ideas on what direction Nigeria should take on international affairs.

The Institute is a specialized instrument of foreign policy formulation in Nigeria. It serves as an intellectual base upon which decision-makers rely for informed opinion and expert advice in order to make rational choices between contending policy options that fall within their space.


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