2023: Joint meetings of CSOs , NNPP support groups adopt Alh. Ibrahim Zakari as Best choice and concencus Candidate for Katsina State Governorship.

Some groups have unanimously adopted Alh. Ibrahim Zakari as their consensus candidate as Katsina Governor come 2023 The civil society groups and NNPP support groups expressed confidence that Zakari will change the fortunes Katsina State. The various groups as well as the NNPP Core supporters network at a joint meeting in Katsina said it’s high time Nigerians vote wisely so as to avoid all the mistakes of the past and urge the NNPP to adopt Hon. Ibrahim Zakari as their concensus candidate in the 2023 General Elections.
The group also stated in their comunique that “we are in an era where credibility, popularity and grassroot support play major role in getting majority vote at general election regardless of Political party platform. The NNPP risk clinching the Governorship sit in Katsina State Alhaji Ibrahim Zakari is not the flag bearer of the party and other other political party’s are willing and calling on him already to come and run under their platform because of his outstanding leadership qualities and popularity.

That an olive branch should be extended to other aspirants to join forces with Hon. Ibrahim Zakari to achieve his desired goals to make Katsina Great”.

Below is the comunique.

Joint Session of Civil Society Groups and NNPP support groups .

Text of a Comunique by the Joint Civil Society Groups in Katsina and NNPP support groups at the end of a one day conference on the stategic role of concencus building and what the Governorship aspiration of Alhaji Ibrahim Zakari and NNPP holds for Katsina State, held on Tuesday 24th May 2022.

Introduction .

Consensus building is a process involving a good-faith effort to meet the interests of all stakeholders and seek a unanimous agreement. A consensus-building approach allows groups to reach an overwhelming agreement among relevant stakeholders and maximize possible gains for everyone.

In the light of the above, the Joint Session of Civil Society Groups in Nigeria and the NNPP Support Groups convoked a one day conference to analyze consensus building as a tool deployed by the NNPP towards its preparations for the 2023 general elections. Participants were drawn from all walks of life in a conference that witnessed the best of deliberations on the way forward for Katsina State.

The Conference :

The conference was well attended, and participants pushed forward brilliant ideas on the way forward for Katsina State. The emphasis on the Governorship aspiration of Alh. Ibrahim Zakari was in focus due to his efforts at reaching out to numerous stakeholders across Katsina State on his Governorship aspiration .

The Issues :

The issues surrounding consensus building for political parties towards selecting candidates for elective positions have generated comments in the polity. The NNPP in Kano State and other states deployed this model . It was deemed a success and an indication that if this model is adopted for its Governorship primaries in Katsina , there is the likelihood for the best candidate to emerge and thereby increasing the chances of political success.

However, there were dissenting opinions that the consensus arrangement eliminates a robust contest amongst party members. It was also argued that a consensus arrangement could set the party toward a rancorous path that might witness an avalanche of discontent within the party.

The Deliberations :

The sessions witnessed robust arguments from various stakeholders on the merits and demerits of consensus building. This necessitated the formation of cluster groups to deliberate on the merits and demerits of such an initiative.

Consequently, members deliberated extensively in sessions that were almost marred by flaring tempers, but for the intervention of the moderators assigned to ensure a healthy exchange of opinions on the way forward.

The various groups were mandated to itemize points presented at the plenary. Room was also given for a strategic highlight of the strength and weaknesses of the two aspirants that have indicated interest in seeking the Governorship position in Katsina State on the Platform of NNPP.

Points Made:

Upon resumption of plenary, various groups took turns to present their positions on the benefits of consensus building as a panacea to credible leadership that Nigeria deserves. The generality of the house argued that consensus building is indeed necessary.

It was thus a unanimous decision by participants that consensus building is the solution to the leadership challenges in the State. It went further to argue Hon. Ibrahim Zakari’s aspiration is necessary given his broad reach amongst the various groups, class, tribe and grassroot.

It was argued that the emphasis on Hon. Zakari’s boasts of a track record of exceptional commitment to ensuring sustainable growth and development in ways too numerous to mention.

It was stated that Hon. IBRAHIM Zakari is a bridge-builder, between the rich and poor, young and old, all tribes and religion etc
Hon. Zakari is also young , strong, energetic, hard working, sacrificial and have the international connection to attract international investors and development to Katsina State just like he has been doing and also a time for a youth to be given a chance to pilot the affairs of Katsina State.

Recommendations :

At the end of the conference, it was agreed by all participants that the NNPP should deploy the consensus arrangement in selecting candidates for Governorship flag bearer of Katsina State.

That Hon. IBRAHIM Zakari is one candidate that presents an intimidating credential that can guarantee electoral success for the NNPP in the Governorship elections
That all stakeholders should rally support for the Governorship aspiration of Hon Zakari in his Governorship bid in the overall interest of the party.

That the NNPP should initiate mechanisms towards sensitizing its members on the benefits of consensus building towards the actualization of the Governorship ambition of Hon. IBRAHIM Zakari .

That Hon.Zakari remains the best for Katsina in the present circumstances due to his progressive political inclination that encourages inclusiveness at all strata of the society.

That the NNPP must do all within its means to ensure that the candidature of Alhaji Ibrahim Zakari becomes a reality.

That we are in an era where credibility, popularity and grassroot support play major role in getting majority vote at general election regardless of Political party platform. The NNPP risk clinching the Governorship sit in Katsina State Alhaji Ibrahim Zakari is not the flag bearer of the party and other other political party’s are willing and calling on him already to come and run under their platform because of his outstanding leadership qualities and popularity.

That an olive branch should be extended to other aspirants to join forces with Hon. Ibrahim Zakari to achieve his desired goals to make Katsina Great.


Hon. Adamu Kabir Matazu
Chairman Communique Drafting Comitee/ President.
Arewa Youth Federation

Comrade Yusuf S Maje
Secretary / Coordinator
NNPP Youth Solidarity Movement.


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