DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 29 SOWING SIPRITUAL UNITY (3) Scripture: John 10: 30; Phil. 2: 2 – 4

The last paragraph of yesterday’s devotional pointed out that sowing spiritual unity might not be that easy since the evil forces are afraid of unity amongst Christians. But as Christians, we are enjoined to strive for sowing spiritual unity amongst ourselves and other people. Today’s devotional is addressing why sowing spiritual unity is important.

First to mention is that, sowing spiritual unity helps us emulate the nature of relationships existing between God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Apostle John in his Epistle, using the Spirit, the Water and the Blood for God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son said that: “…all three agree” (1 John 5: 8). His word means that God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son dwell as one and bond in unity. The Bible commended the pleasant existence of brethren in unity in Psalms 133.

Second to mention is, sowing spiritual unity was recommended by Apostle Paul when he said Christians are to be in “one mind, have the same love, be in one spirit…” so that none does anything out of selfishness (Phil. 2: 2 – 4). Apostle Paul talked of the need for Christians to agree with each other so as to live in unity when he was writing his first Epistle to the Christians as can be seen in Corinth (1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 31). All the above passages are pointing us to one thing – sowing seed of spiritual unity anywhere we are and anywhere we go.

The third reason Christians are to make every effort to live in unity with each other is because Jesus Christ told us in Matthew 23: 8 that we are all brothers. Good brothers and sisters are known for being neatly united in spirit, mind and soul. In sowing spiritual unity, we build ourselves into being “like minded” according to the admonition of Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 3: 8; which reads: – “Finally, all of you should be of one mind sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tender-hearted, and keep a humble attitude” (Africa Study Bible).

These and other related scriptures attest to the fact that “Sowing Spiritual Unity” is very important amongst Christians regardless of denominations and believes. Let us endeavour, therefore, to keep sowing seeds of spiritual unity amongst fellow men and women! Christians worldwide would have been more victorious if they have been living in Spiritual Unity. One Publilius Syrus said and I quote: – “Where there is unity there is always victory.”


Blessed Father, take away from my mind, spirit of division and plant in me Spirit of Unity in the name of Jesus Christ. I refuse from today to see others differently from my people in the name of Jesu Christ.



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