One of the most sought for, by tribes, groups, nations, communities etc. in this age is unity. Many generations, past and present have sought for how to bring unity to mankind. Unity is the hub of strength of any nation, society and organization.

The chaotic systems seen or witness globally show that unity is not given its proper place. The world been in wars decades upon decades in the past. Presently, violence and protestations are going daily because peace has been tampered with. The fragile and decimated peace in our societies exemplified total lack of unity amongst mankind.

So much has been researched, so much conferences, symposia and workshops have been held globally at different places for unity to be enthroned. Yet, the world is nose diving into peace-less society on daily basis.

Daily News on tabloids, television screens, webs and social media report disunity that culminates into wars in the world. These wars are as old as the world itself. The more we look for unity, the more it eludes the world. Political groups of many names have come and gone with their promises of restoring unity and peace to the world. Religious groups have searched and researched for how unity can be permanently entrenched in the world. Till date wars and rumours of wars are piling up.

Differences in principles, ideology, politics, religion, social, philosophy etc. formed by people with the aim of uniting peoples have failed many times because those seeking for unity ended up creating disunity. Against education and civilization that have emerged and acclaimed social transformations which we have put in place, the world is swelling in disunity till date.

A quick look into Newspapers, newsmagazines, television news and social media reveals how mankind, lost in love for one another, are engaging each other in civil wars, tribal wars, intra-national wars, religious wars and what have you. Disunity has caused so much crisis that political leaders globally found it difficult to rule the people. Most countries in the world have never know peace for the past ten years and above presently.

This devotional is with the view that the only way unity can be restored into the world at large is when every mankind looks for how to engage one another in Sowing Spiritual Unity. The spirit realm controls everything in the physical, therefore, allowing our spiritual mindedness to sow unity is very critical to global peace.

Christians are told to: – “…make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph. 4: 2-5 NIV). This assignment should be meant for all mankind! One Mattie Stepanek said and I quote: “Unity is strength…when there are teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”


Almighty Father, send down your Spirit of unity into the world to re-establish heaven kind of unity amongst us in the name of Jesus Christ.



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