In about three series now we have been talking of God’s Mighty Hand. We have discovered so far that God’s Mighty Hand is mightier than the hands of mortal leaders as well as those of the enemies of Christians. God’s Mighty Hand created everything on the earth, delivered and preserves His children. God’s Mighty Hand protects and provides for those who believe in Him.

The parallel discussion to look at today, alongside with God’s Mighty Hand is “Being Under The Power Of His Mighty Hand.” This talks of what is obtainable if one is under God’s Mighty Hand. Moses told the people of Israel: “With the power of His Mighty Hand, the LORD brought us out of Egypt, the place of our slavery (Exod. 13: 14).

In this world, human beings will always be treated and subjected to difficulties of various degrees. Fellow human beings will ever position themselves as one another’s oppressors and tormentors. But for Christians, they are always to know that they are under the power of God’s Mighty Hands.

We the Christians are to believe in God and trust in the power of His Mighty Hands. At times, challenges of life come like flood, sweep one from off the ground and seems to swallow that individual. King David referred to this as “…the mighty waters” in Psalm 144: 7.

Even if you reading this piece found yourself in “the mighty waters”, trust the power of the “Mighty Hands Of God.” Call upon Him like King David who said: “Reach down your hand from on high; deliver me and rescue me from the mighty waters” (Psa. 144: 7). Pressures and oppressions are all around us these days; however, we are not to give up from trusting God’s abilities.

“There are many things that have the potential to hold us in bondage and to hold us ransom, but there is One Who is greater and more powerful than anything else” (Pastor Andrew Roebert). I would add to this, that the “One Who is greater…” is God with a Mighty hand. As long as we know we are under Him and that His Powerful hands are always there for us, He will come for our help.

My beloved people, always look away from the things that seek to destroy you, look to Him who has the Mighty Hands to deliver and save you! God is He who delivers the righteous ones from any afflictions. Your afflictions may be so many, but His Mighty Hands can deliver you from all (Psalms 34: 19).


Almighty Father, kindly reach down your Powerful and Mighty Hands from on high and deliver me and rescue me from the mighty waters of my enemies in Jesus name. Do same to those under several slaveries!



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