Tinubu is the president Nigeria needs – Hon. Jisalo




Honourable Zephaniah Jisalo, a former chairman of the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC).and a two-term former member of the House of Representatives, in this interview with Chamba Simeh, barred his mind on many national issues.
Jisalo, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Coordinator of the Tinubu Support Group (TSG), spoke about his principal’s presidential aspiration, his senatorial ambition, his party – the All Progressives Congress (APC), and lots more.

Congratulations.on your recent appointment as the Abuja coordinator of the Tinubu Support Group?.Thank you very much. I thank God for this recognition because to be recognised by the Tinubu political family is like being inducted into the most exalted hall of fame. This is, and should be, one of the simplest jobs in the world because selling the aspirant Tinubu is like being called upon and given the contract to make Coca-Cola, which is famous in the world. I know the job comes with a lot of responsibilities because working with the best you need to put in your best.
You said Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the best to lead Nigeria, why do you think so?
Tinubu’s eight-year tenure as governor of Lagos state is today regarded as the golden era of the state. No matter what you feel about him, there is no denying the fact that Tinubu is the father of modern Lagos which is regarded as a mini-Nigeria. A man who has governed Lagos successfully and has consistently led the way in installing the successive leadership that have successfully transformed Lagos state to the success story it is right now must be applauded and be regarded for what he is – the best.

You are in agreement with the school of thought that the Asiwaju was the magic wand that brought about the total transformation of Lagos state. Why do you share this position?
Many are of the opinion that Tinubu’s stewardship in Lagos state marked the end of an error as it was the beginning of a new phase in the state’s history.The Tinubu administration of Lagos state, I say emphatically, marked the beginning of a new era of development which lays emphasis on building Lagos as the mega city compared to any in the world. Without doubt, Nigeria has gone through a terrible wilderness experience during the 16-year reign of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which our dear president is correcting and Tinubu, the national leader of the ruling APC, is today regarded as the strongest link in the President Muhammadu Buhari administration – he is indeed the best bet for Nigeria in 2023.

You talk about the PDP as if you were not it’s member. What don’t you like about the PDP?

Our people are now politically sophisticated, trust me. They know a good leader when they see one. Many of us were impressed with the broom revolution of the APC. Some of us now in the APC are the leaders that are pro-people, recruited by the people and not imposed by any godfather on the people. We go to where our people want us to. During the PDP era, our reputation as a people was soiled and we have become the butts of jokes due to the ineptitude, loquaciousness and ravenous corruption of some of our peers in the party. We couldnt stand it and after we complained and we were not listened to we decided to defect to the APC, a party of hope. This corruption we are talking about masquaraded as government during the PDP. When the APC took over, by the grace of God, they showed leadership and cleaned the Augean’s stable and they ensured they lived up to this.

What is the magic wand of the APC that made it so attractive to Nigerians?
The promise of open government and its implementation. APC promised a review of the activities, documents and to widely disseminate the present state of our commonwealth and state of affairs of the country and they are seen to be doing it. The APC ensured that within 100 days of its coming to power, our people began to see the augean stables being cleaned and the people know the position of things in keeping with its ethos of transparency and accountability in government. The coming of the APC is not a revenge mission but rather a healing balm on a wound.

What then would be the focus of the Tinubu administration when voted into office?
The focus of the Tinubu administration when voted into office by the grace of God are agriculture, urban development, infrastructure, industrial development and knowledge economy. He will also continue with all the policies of the Buhari administration. The focus of the Tinubu administration will be, therefore, on this key agenda through which it would deliver on its promises to the people.

You politicians always make reference to the people when making promises but after you are elected into office, you forget about them or give them the bitter pills to swallow. Will Tinubu be any different?
If you know the man Tinubu and have been following his discourse on many National issues which he doesnt shy away from making his positions clear, he stands with the people. Make no mistake about this, our greatest resource is the people. We therefore remain committed to providing the social safety net that will bring succour to the most vulnerable segment of the society. Our ideological position remains that no individual in our society should be left behind. Tinubu’s victory is going to be the greatest victory, the voice of the people and the choice of the people.

Why are you really a recurring decimal in the politics of the FCT?

We thank God. Our people know a good leader when they see one and because of the trust they have for me, I have been recruited by them severally to lead and represent them in several capacities. Our claim of being pro-people are therefore not fake as our leadership credentials lay credence to this. My appointment as coordinator of the TSG has a tinge of metaphor and it is a sign post of great political strategy by the proponents of this group and we shall deliver. People have said severally that my resume and political credentials speak volume about Tinubu’s aspiration to succeed President Buhari in 2023. My appointment douses the issue of competence in leadership recruitment. I believe i have the benefit of a good educational background that has prepared me for leadership and political success management.

Is it true that you are contesting for the senate seat to represent the good people of the FCT in the next election?.

Yes. By His grace. I want to pay my people back for what they have done for me politically over the years by quality representation, which has been lacking over the years. I have the experience having been a two-term member of the House of Representatives. Some have said I mirror, to a certain extent, Barack Obama, former President of the United States, who came to limelight after his speech at the Democratic Party convention. It is safe to make that comparision because of my stint as the chairman of AMAC and as a member of the National Assembly, which earned me the reckoning at the expansive Tinubu political dynasty. I would make laws for the people and to fight the symmetric and assymetric warfare of our people in the senate.

Some have argued that your recognition today is a compensation for your excellent performances in the past or is it a potent media weapon by the TSG?
I agree with the first postulation. I have paid my dues and still paying them. I would say I know how to connect to my people with diplomatese and affectious elan. Watching me makes remarks or my public appearances show my eclectic understanding of Tinubu’s politics.I am making the best of my position as Tinubu’s chief salesman in Abuja and I am convinced I shall succeed.

Many agree that your expositions in public did much to outline Tinubu’s good selling points.What is your take on this?

That is my job; to outline Tinubu’s accessibility, capacity, experience and suitability for the President of Nigeria come 2023.
Some talked about his health and fitness conditions as his major impediments. What do you think?
Tinubu has never played God. He is human and human beings are not logs of woods, we take ill from time to time. Contrary to the perception by a few about Tinubu’s fitness for the job, Tinubu is mentally, physically and psychologically fit and suitable to serve as the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.




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